I am a member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society at St. Petersburg College and when I first heard about Edible Peace Patch, I though it was an awesome idea and could not wait to start! I had finally gotten my schedule to work at Fairmont Park Elementary School, I was excited, but at the same time anxious. In the email it was saying how we will be working with different kids and showing them the ropes of growing and taking care of a garden. I for one have never had a garden, let a long built one...literally, but was up for the challenge. The people (Allison and Noah) I worked with were pretty cool and excited about the project also, but no one was more excited then the teacher who worked there. She was excited to have a garden in her "backyard".
On Friday we helped move the mulch from the front of the school to a pile near the garden for the next group coming the next day. It didn't seem to be to bad of a job.... until we saw that we only had one wheel barrel and no pitch forks. Hey! where there is a "wheel" there is a way, so we toughed it out, used shovels, took turns taking the barrel back and forward and made a dent in the pile of mulch. It was hard work, but needless to say, we got a good upper-body workout in. We knew that at the end it will all be for a good cause, so we it up. While checking out, I even got the chance of meeting an instructor from the University of South Florida and witnessed to a young student about continuing his studies, going to college and helping his community.